Wednesday 11 May 2011

Don’t give up hope, you can have clear skin

It’s important to always stay positive and appreciate the things you're happy with about yourself in order to stay hopeful about the things you want to improve. It is possible to have clear skin, there are things you can do to achieve this .Try not to let stress and insecurity of acne shatter your confidence, instead take whatever steps necessary to improve your skin. Here are some simple, healthy ways you can do this :
1. Drink water- This is perhaps the most recommended solution, drinking more water helps to flush out bad toxins that can lead to acne.
2. Avoid unhealthy habits – Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, these can decrease the body’s ability to get rid of bad toxins which can be contributing to acne.
3. Avoid touching spots- Ignore the urge to squeeze or scratch the spots, as this can worsen the acne and leave you with scarring. Touching the spots will add more dirt and oil from your hands to them, the skin could also become irritated which could lead to more spots appearing.
4. Changing your pillowcase frequently- Each night that you sleep on your pillow, oils and bacteria from previous days or nights can reside on the pillow, which can get on your face and cause the acne to worsen. Washing your pillow case often will prevent this.
5. Having a good Skin regime- Cleanse, Tone and moisturising are all very important in keeping your skin clean and clear. Below I will blog about products I have used and strongly recommend.
6. Taking vitamins everyday- The nutrition that obtained from vitamins is essential for healthy living. When our body fails to receive the needed vitamins it causes various health issues and deficiencies. Some of which is spots on the skin. Also taking vitamins balances out your hormones which can be contributing to Acne. Again I will blog about the vitamins I used to help keep my skin clear.

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