Sunday 25 June 2017

How To Be Healthy and Control Emotional Eating

Hey everyone,
 Eating bad food can be an addiction. I used to be an emotional eater. So I Would get really low and turn to food for comfort and then get really down about bindge eating and the vicious cycle would go round and round. I would easily eat a pack of cookies and feel no way until the next morning when I woke up starving and bloated. I put on a lot of weight and at the time you don't notice until months later and you jeans don't do up! It soon became an addiction and everyday after work I would go and buy something sweet to eat for when I got into bed. Also I picked up a bad habit of having a Cappuccino and a Croissant every morning. Something had to change and I knew I was the only one in control of that. So here I am today sharing some of my tips to stop emotional eating and to become more healthy. 1 year in august it will have been since I gave up meat and stopped buying those double chocolate cookies and have become so healthy. I no longer feel the need to have food to make me feel happy instead I have food to make me feel light, energised and nourished. 

1. Replace sugary foods with natural sugars. I found these bars called Nakd. They are delicious and sweet made with only  few ingredients. They are sweet from using dates. Dates are good for you rich in nutrients, vitamins and do not contain excessive ambit of fat. The bars also contains nuts which are also good for you a healthy fat. 

2. Have a healthy breakfast. Make time in the morning to make your self a protein packed breakfast that will keep you going until lunch time. Even if you have to get up 15 minute earlier it is worth it. I like to make wholegrain oats with 1 table spoon of meridian peanut Butter and a chopped Banana or a smoothies with Kale, Spinach, Banana, Apple. These are super quick to make and will stop you from getting something on the way to work like a sugary croissant that won't fill you up.

2. Drink lots of water. Buy a 2 litre bottle of water and make sure you drink it every time you feel peckish. Water fills you up and stops your hunger and cravings. It also flushes you out and keep you hydrated and energised. 

3. Drink peppermint tea after your dinner. This curbs sweet cravings, helps with digestion and bloating. 

4. Replace starch foods with wholegrain foods. White potatoes with sweet potatoes, white rice with brown rice, pasta with wholegrain brown pasta. Starches can increase your blood sugar levels. 

5. Have 70% of the food on your plate as vegetables and salad. You can never have enough vegetables. They fill you up and keep you super healthy. They are packed with nutrients and essential vitamins. They do not have to be boring you can make them as tasty as you want by adding seasoning and herbs. 

6. Find a hobby to distract you from thinking about food. When you feel down find something else to lift you up. Try meditating to some calm music, even just breathing deeply for 5 minutes can change the way you feel. Exercise for 10 minutes when you feel down. Exercise releases serotonin the happy hormone. Dance to your favourite song.

 Just try and control your thoughts. When you notice that your feeling down say to your self I got this and I won't feel down I will do something right now to feel happy again. Don't turn to food it won't help and it will make you feel worse. It takes 21 days to form a habit. Stick to these tips for 21 days and see how much better you feel. Set yourself the challenge. Write a moon board and place it next to your bed so when you wake up you feel motivated. 

I hope I have inspired you to make that change. 

Sending you love and good vibes 


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