Thursday 13 November 2014

Must Reads

Above are some books that i would highly recommend to help be more positive. They really have had a big impact on the way i think. Of course i sometimes still think negatively but having the knowledge from these books helps snap out of it real quick. 

I'm not going to waffle on about each of them because it will take me forever, you can research these on amazon. What I will say is if you start off with The Secret the others will make more sense to you. I have mentioned The Secret before in one if my blog posts. It is about The Law Of Attraction. It might sound all a bit crazy to some people but belive me it actually works with alot of practise. I hope i have inspired some of you to have a read and if you do feel free to comment below and let me know what you think. Also if you have any recommendations of good positive books let me know 


  1. 'The Secret' is one of the best books I've ever read :) I have to check out other books mentioned in here! Great recommendations, Sarah!

  2. Thanks Jina yes the secret is so good there are a few follow ups from it which i havnt read yet but will be reading very soon
