Thursday 27 November 2014

Why I started Blogging...

This isn't a "feel sorry" for me post it's just to explain why I have started my Blog.

I have suffered with acne from the age of 9. I feel bad saying suffered, when there are much more severe skin disorders, but for me I really have suffered. It knocked my confidence dramatically as a teenage girl. I never felt like I fitted in to anything. I had this voice in the back of my head saying ''everyone is looking at my spots and they are going to think I'm dirty and I don't wash, or they are going to not want to hang around with me''. I don't know if it was anxiety or just my low self esteem. All I know is it really ruined my school days.  I couldn't understand why I had such bad skin and no one in my year did. 

I have tried so many skin products and some work some are a waste  of time but all the ones listed on my blog have helped my skin so much. I also had to change my diet and drink a lot of water. These can be challenging for a young girl who just wants to have fun and eat junk. It took me a long time to come to terms with the big change.

I want to share my journey with you all in the hope it will help some people out their who are going through it or have been through it. It does get better! It has taken me years to pluck up the courage to put my self out there and write a blog. I'm not the best of writers and I have no idea how it will turn out but what keeps me going is the thought that I could be helping people with their acne. I do not have perfect skin now but I do know how to keep those spots away. My next goal is getting rid of my scarring. (do NOT pick your spots) I want to be able to look back at my blog years later and see what I was doing in 2014 and what products I tried, what my diet was like and so on. It's like my own little diary in a way. It keeps me busy in my spare time ( not that I have much spare time being a mum of 2) but it is more like a hobby for me and somewhere I can put my opinions, reviews, advice and the thing I love. I have varied my posts as I love cooking and I am also a hairdresser.

Thank you to all my followers on Bloglovin, I have come across some amazing blogs. Keep going everyone. It's a lovely community and everyone is so friendly.


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