Monday 17 November 2014

Babies and Bedtime Routine

As you all know I have 2 beautiful babies. A boy who is 17 months and a girl who is 5 months. They have exactly 1 year between them and they are My world.

I get a lot of people asking me 'How I do it and how do I cope' and when I reply 'Its not that hard they both sleep through the night which makes it easier'.,Amazed and shocked people then ask me how? So i'm going to tell you a few tips on how I got my babies into a routine. 

First things first i'm not bragging or saying i'm a perfect parent i just want to hopefully help some mums out there who are struggling with getting their kids to sleep. I would also recommend starting a routine at 4 months not earlier as the baby will need feeding through out the night. I know everyone does things different and there is no wrong or right way to do this. This is just worked for me, i'm not telling any one how to be a parent its just some tips.

Time is key to getting your little one to sleep. If you have set times in the day where you feed them and then a set time when they go to bed this works wonders. The baby gets familiar with the same routine day in and day out so when it comes to bed time they know its that time.

Let them cry! So many parents feel bad to let their little one have a good cry. Its not doing no harm people. As long as they are fed and changed and content then put them in their cot, what and leave them. They will eventually fall asleep. I no it sounds harsh but how are babies ever going to know its bed time if every time they cry mummy goes running to them. Babies are not stupid they know how to get mummies attention and i'm  telling you now half of the crying is a attention cry. If you keep going in the room picking them up fussing over them then putting them back into the cot they are just going to keep repeating the same pattern every night.

Cut down napping in the day. Try and keep your little ones active in the day and if they do nap keep it in the early after noon not too near to bed time. You want your baby tired near bed time not energised. Which brings me on to my final step and that is don't put your baby to bed on a full stomach or give them any thing sweet before bed. Try and have dinner at a set time every day as well and around the table as that's getting them used to eating around a table. Leave at least leave 2 hours before your baby goes to bed as sometimes going to sleep on a full stomach can be uncomfortable for your baby and certain foods release energy which wont help your baby settle down.

I no its hard but don't give up and grin and bare the crying. Its all worth it when 7 pm comes and you can have some me time! I really hope i have helped some of you out there. 

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