Sunday 9 November 2014

Kiss greasy hair goodbye!

So its time to wash your hair but is it really time? or can you leave it for a couple more days. A lot of people suffer from a greasy scalp and cant go more than 2 days with out washing your hair but this isn't actually helping your hair. The more you wash, the more you strip away hairs natural oils and nutrients it needs to be shiny and in good condition.  The less you wash your hair the less oil it will produce so eventually will be less greasy.

Its all about training your hair and skipping washes. It will be hard at first and you wont notice a difference straight away. Start washing it every 3 days then 4 then 5, do this for a month or so and then you will notice your hair no longer becomes greasy as quick as it used too. Try and use a dry shampoo in between washes to freshen up the roots (Batiste), wear your hair up in a messy bun, wear a nice hat or french plait your hair. You should be washing your hair once or twice a week. I hope some of you do try this and please let me know if it has worked for you.


  1. Great tip, I always rely on dry shampoo ! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  2. Thank you I have followed you and I have subscribed. Loving your blog too xx
