Sunday 9 November 2014

Positive thought of the day

''You can't appreciate the good days without accepting the bad ones''.

This is so true. We all have those days where we don't feel too great and everything seems to go wrong. Our makeup doesn't look right, our hair doesn't look right, we can't decide what to wear, we're running late for everything, the kids are playing up etc. -  you get my drift. But without these days we wouldn't appreciate the best days of our lives, the days when everything just goes right and you feel on top of the world ready for anything. Life's a journey full of mountains. We have our ups and our downs. We are either sat the peak of the mountain and succeeded, or at the very bottom with no clue how to get to the top, but we always end back up there. So don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. Don't spend hours thinking about how bad your life is and beating yourself up about it. It's normal to have these days, so except you're just having a bad day and remember that tomorrow is never too far away.  Happy Sunday xx

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